Name of the Game: Getting Brand and Tone Right

Do you play games on your phone? Do you hunt Pokemon on the go? Or are you a more serious gamer, with a full set-up playing Call of Duty or Fortnite while yelling to your friends around the world? Do you have a collection of gaming consoles going back to the Atari 2600, and wait to get the latest and greatest?With more than 2.5 billion gamers around the world, and the industry expecting to be a $300 billion one by 2025, gaming is more than just casual. It challenges Hollywood movies and television for eyeballs, challenges sports with esports (especially now with gambling).With a wide range of audiences, how do gaming social media managers tell the story to reach the right ones? We have a great panel for you with paid, earned and community of the top gaming companies.

Our Moderator

Josephine Moss - Creative Strategist at Kovel/Fuller, During Josephine’s lifelong residency on the internet, some genius decided to make marketing tailored to the digital space a viable career path. Years steeped in internet culture became credentials in the blink of an eye. Copywriting and a visual design degree, liberally spiced with social media savvy, sales experience to taste and a dash of the Psychology elective she took in school... and voila! A senior-level creative content producer specializing in social media. Delicious!

Tiara Marshall

Tiara is the Paid Social Designer for Media Assembly. Their clients include: Niantic, Seriously, Blizzard, Bethesda, MyKONAMI. Tiara has been doing motion graphics for ten years after studying animation at the Savannah College of Art and Design. A long time indie gamer, Tiara has only recently applied her craft professionally to the gaming industry, doing creative for indie mobile games and AAA household favorites.

Caroline Liddick

Caroline is Director of Communications at Limited Run Games. She is an audience development professional with over six years of experience working in social for comics, television, and games. After working with brands like The Avengers & Doctor Who, she moved west to start a career in games at Telltale, and was Social Media Manager there for two years. She now wears many hats as the Director of Comms at LRG, including championing game preservation!


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