SMCLA Catches up with @JessicaGottlieb: Wife. Writer. Mother. Friend.
Interview With Anne Plese from Cisco Systems about Brand Building w/Social Media
Blankspaces Offers a Month of FREE Co-working for SMCLA Bloggers
31 Day Better Blog Challenge - Day 1 "Elevator Pitch"
SMCLA Meeting Recap "Building a Brand via Social Media" w/Video
Meeting Announced: Brand Building via Social Media
Building a Brand Through Social Media
Social Media at the Super Bowl
From a social media perspective, we saw very little "official" brand or broadcast incorporation of all of the tools we have come to embrace as social media fans and enthusiasts. Here are just a few ideas for how the broadcasters, the brands, and even the viewing audience can improve upon this year's toe-dip into the Social Media broadcast experience.