Save the Date: July 30 - Social Media in Regulated Industries

"We are the best bank in the world!" "We are launching a new product but don't let our investors know!" Ever see these tweets out in the Twitterverse? In the world of regulated industries like financial services, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, bio-tech, and even children's entertainment, there are a myriad of governmental groups, regulators, and advocates looking over your shoulder. They're watching what you post on your company's social channels. So are your company's lawyers.Join SMCLA as we delve into the maze of being a social media professional in a regulated industry! What are the most difficult industries to incorporate social media? How many layers of approvals do your messages have to get through before posting?RSVP: Monday, July 30Venue: Yahoo Community Center - Santa Monica2400 Broadway, Santa Monica Time: 6:30PM -7:15PM registration and networking with food and refreshments 7:15PM - 8:30PM panel discussion8:30PM - 9:00PM Q&AOur panelists will cover topics such as acronym'd governmental groups like the FTC, FDIC, FINRA; crisis communications; using social media as a medium to connect with your customers; and working internally with your legal and compliance teams. How do they navigate the muddy waters of what's appropriate to post yet still sending a compelling brand message? What are those best practices to balance what legal and compliance need you to do and how to move that needle for your company's social media program?Confirmed Panelists include:

Moderated by Board member Chris Lam @thechrislam.Tickets are $10 before July 23; $15 at the door.

Do you have an SMC membership? SMC members attend for free! Stand by for PROMO CODE for your complimentary ticket!Be a card-carrying member of SMC!  Join today! you'd like to read more about social media in regulated industries, here are a few articles to get you started!



Job Opening: Social Media Manager at Answer Financial


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