On-site SM Book Giveaway at Blogworld LA!
Haven't gotten your ticket to Blogworld LA? You've still got time! Use the code: SMC20 to take 20% off your conference pass. The good folks at Blogworld are also offering a discount for just the expo. Use the code: SMC50 and take 50% off your EXPO-only pass!Visit us with our friends SMC National, SMC San Gabriel Valley (SGV) and SMC San Diego at our booth! SMCLA is giving away one book per hour! Just stop by our booth, sign up with your contact info or drop your business card in our bowl and await a winner via our Twitterfeed (@smc_LA).Here's Part 1 of the list of books we'll be giving away on Friday and Saturday! Click on the images for more info on each title.Like My Stuff by Natalie Petouhoff (@drnatalie)
Engage by Brian Solis (@briansolis)
Open Leadership by Charlene Li (@charleneli)
Curation Nation by Steve Rosenbaum (@magnify)
The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing by Beverly Macy (@beverlymacy)
I Love You More Than My Dog by Jeanne Bliss (@jeannebliss) -
Uncertainty by Jonathan Fields (@jonathanfields)
The Customer Experience Edge by Reza Soudagar (@8020tweet), Vinay Iyer (@vinayiyer), Volker Hildebrand (@vhil)Keep our blog on your RSS Reader. I'm posting Part 2 of book giveaway tomorrow - stay tuned! [edit: Rules and Regs located here!]Disclosure: Amazon Associates Program – Purchases made through Amazon affiliate links on this blogs yield a small referral fee. Contact Chris Lam for more info.