Halloween-ify Your Phone with These Apps!
Happy Halloween weekend, everyone! With the new iPhone 4S, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Nokia Lumia and other smartphones in the market, why not check out a few apps that track your kids when they're tricking and treating or just for fun?Do you tend to lose your keys and phone? Apple's Find My iPhone lets you use another iOS device to find your phone. (Free)Google Latitude works on all phones. You can see where your kids are trick-or-treating and vice versa (if you want them to). It also has a check-in component with offers similar to Foursquare and Yelp. (Free) Got a ghost hunter in your family? Ghost Radar detects paranormal activity. Let us know if you're visiting the Amityville Horror house and it detects spirits. (99-cts) Ghost Radar Classic is the Android version. (Free)Waiting for the kids to walk to each house and knock and knock and knock? How about a game of Halloween Concentration (memory) while you stand on the sidewalk for them? (Free)
More of a DIY kind of person? How about creating your own zombie? Make A Zombie allows you to do just that. (Free)Got a kid to track via cellphone? If you're not into calling or texting the youngin, maybe Trick-or-Tracker is your app. ($4.99)Want to make your own ghostly photos a la Disney's Haunted Mansion? Download Scary Camera and creep the bejeezus out of your friends. (Free)Do you have a favorite app that scares others? Tell us in the comments section or post them on our Facebook Page!
Of course, this post can't be complete without my favorite timesucker, Angry Birds Seasons with their special Halloween version. (99-cts)That said, what are you doing online? Get out there and have a terrific (and safe) Halloween!