On Podcasts: An Evening with Ralph Garman, via Social Media Club Los Angeles

Ask for recommendations on podcasts, and your friends list will likely come through in a big way, with a litany of podcasts in any and every subject you could ever imagine. According to Statista.com, in 2006, only 22 percent of adults in the United States were aware of podcasts, but the number rose to 64 percent in 2018. In fact, as of 2018, there were an estimated 73 million podcast listeners in the United States, a number forecast to grow to around 132 million by 2022.In addition to selecting the firmness of your pillow, some choice hotels are now even offering podcast perks. In a recent article posted on Billboard.com, “Podcast studios are quickly becoming a staple even in the travel and hospitality industry, with the likes of the Detroit Foundation Hotel and the Ace Hotel chain installing studios in their buildings to position themselves to guests as “creativity hubs.”The way we consume podcasts is changing too, as an article on Mashable.com said Apple is rolling out newly designed web pages for all shows available via Apple Podcasts. “Users will finally be able to listen to podcast episodes directly, right on the Apple Podcast web pages for each show.”As these two recent news clips show, podcasts are here to stay. That’s why you should join Social Media Club as we sit down with one of iTunes’ Top 20 podcasters, Ralph Garman, who, in addition to co-hosting “Hollywood Babble-On” for nine years with filmmaker Kevin Smith, is a year into his own daily show, “The Ralph Report.” We’ll talk honestly about the challenges of this growing industry and learn how Ralph has navigated his own journey to end up in the space.The event will take place on Tuesday, April 23rd at 6:30 p.m. at General Assembly in Santa Monica. Click here to RSVP now – we can’t wait to see you there!


Digital Summit Los Angeles 2019


On Podcasts: An Evening With Ralph Garman