Digital Summit Los Angeles 2019

How did a year go by so fast? We were back at the Skirball Cultural Center on April 10th and 11th as a proud partner (4th year!) at the Digital Summit Los Angeles conference. This is a fun conference, because it gathers so many people in both digital and social media, so we see a lot of old friends and meet new ones as well! And there’s always our alien buddy Jeff, who waits for us every year, and will no doubt become a Social Media Club Director.But the conference wasn’t just about networking, it’s also about learning, of course. Technology changes so fast, and the social platforms seem to change weekly, so there’s always something new to learn. What are current best practices? What is around the corner? Does Alexa know more about us than our spouse does?Here were some of our favorite sessions:

What marketers can learn from social media from DJ Khaled and Drake – Carlos Gil, Gil Media Co.

Carlos focused on how brands need to STOP selling and start being more social, remembering that nobody goes on social media to specifically read what a brand posts every morning. He also emphasized the importance of community and how brands need to take the time to cultivate and engage their core community. Best of all, he did it with salience and humor, looping in several current examples from those two social media and music stars. – Alyssa Curran, Communications Associate Director

Content and Chaos: Diary of a News Marketer – Paul Plumeri, Wall Street JournalI loved how Paul used content marketing to broaden the strategy of marketing the news. His sense of humor and sharp wit shone when detailing the crucial role content plays in an omnichannel campaign strategy. – Alyssa Curran

Everything You Should Know About Email in 30 Minutes – Michael Barber, GodfreyThis was the best session by far. Got lots of great advice on not just email designs, but overall website accessibility as well, and that wasn’t even mentioned in the talk, but it related to other work I’m currently doing as well. – Adam Bell, Sponsorship Director

Bloody Hell! And Other Marketing Truths My British Mum Taught Me – Michael Barber, GodfreyMichael appropriately balanced humor and education in his presentation and I felt like I came out of it with some good takeaways. Also, I wanna hang with his Mum.  AJ Feuerman, Programs Associate Director

Surviving the Business Apocalypse. Transforming into a Courage Brand – Ryan Berman, CourageousI can’t stop thinking about Ryan’s equation, Knowledge + Faith + Action = CourageTake away Action, and it equals paralysis. Take away Faith, and you’re just playing it safe. Take away Knowledge and you’re being reckless. You need to have all three in order to be courageous. This resonated with me, because it’s true not just in business, but in life. Karen Woodward, Communications Associate Director 

Build a Loyal Base of Listeners: B2B Podcasting – Sean Campbell, Cascade InsightsPodcasts are my latest obsession. Many speakers at the conference recommended including an “audio strategy” in marketing efforts. Sean provided some good basics, and I feel more prepared for our Social Media Club podcast discussion with Ralph Garman on April 23 (shameless plug but it’s true). – Karen Woodward

If you’re interested in creating a podcast or just want to learn more about it, join us for “On Podcasting: An Evening with Ralph Garman” on April 23. RSVP here:We hope to see you there and to see you next year at Digital Summit Los Angeles!


On Podcasts: An Evening with Ralph Garman: Recap


On Podcasts: An Evening with Ralph Garman, via Social Media Club Los Angeles