Guest Blog Post: Mobile Marketing – A New Way to Connect with Your Consumers

Please enjoy this guest blog post on understanding mobile marketing by Sharon Stouffer from CellSpyTool.No business stands still when it comes to exploring more and more innovative ways of increasing the customer base via marketing. In today’s world where everything is going mobile, one of the marketing ideas, which has just emerged is mobile marketing. A cell phone is now within the reach of most people, and that its omnipresence nature has certainly transformed it into most helpful media. It gives instant access to any thing on the Internet ‘on-the-go’ and facilitates a highly efficient two-way communication. This has given a boost to the new way of marketing called mobile marketing. This article will cast some light on this new idea as well as its features.Introduction to Mobile MarketingAccording to the Mobile Marketing Association, mobile marketing refers to an array of practices that facilitates businesses to communicate with their target customers and engage them in an interactive and germane manner via a mobile device or network. This is a new social as well as cultural shift that facilitates promoting products and services on basic cell phones, smart phones, tablets, or other wireless gadgets that support SMSs, Bluetooth, MMS, and Interactive Voice Response (IVR). In this type of promotion, a marketing message or ad is created to generate awareness and loyalty for a particular business brand.The Principles of Mobile Marketing Mobile marketing does not confine to just sending messages or ads to the probable customer; in fact, it also aims at engaging and making them permanent. Only then, the mobile campaign becomes successful. For this, the campaign must aim at adding value to the overall approach in which it reaches out to the customers. However, this ‘how’ aspect of this approach tends to differ from one business to another, as there are several ways to use mobile marketing. Irrespective of this, the basic principles remain the same; which are listed below.

  • Opt-in and Opt-out: Customers can opt-in and opt-out at any point of time.
  • Segmentation: Business must divide the customer base into various specific segments so that a mobile ad reaches the targeted ones only.
  • Value: The ad or message must have a value for the target customer.
  • Timing: The timing to promote via mobile marketing should be the right one for the success of campaign.

The Features of Mobile MarketingBusinesses that want to grow and expand need to comprehend this new move in the world of marketing so that they can embrace this digital advertising platform for creating visibility among new consumers on the move. For this purpose, it is essential to understand its main features listed below.

  • Reach out in seconds to specific customer group located anywhere in the world
  • Local, customized, and intimate communication
  • Two-way communication for more interaction and effectiveness
  • Potent, viral mobile messages and ads
  • Integration with existing strategies of communication
  • Promotion with full freedom of control to the customers over messages and ads
  • Useful tool to analyze customer behavior
  • Micro blogging tool to promote via social media sites
  • A novelty with greater impact on the customers
  • Mobile has ability to integrate with existing communication

As tablets and smartphones will become more ordinary, this new technique of mobile marketing will continue tend to gain a title of businesses necessity.Sharon Stouffer is an active blogger and loves to blog on latest Mobile Technology. at - click on the link to follow her updates on new and innovative Mobile Applications.


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