5.23.12 Social TV Panel - Thank you!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I'd like to thank everyone (YOU) who attended our Social TV event last night at the Edmunds.com HQ space in Santa Monica. I hope that Kat, Marla, Charles, Garick, Alice or I met each of you individually before or after the event. A hand goes out to Michelle Magoffin  for helping us snag our venue sponsor Edmunds.com, and to Board member Kat Jacob for securing our food by sponsor Daily Grill.We couldn't have put on this panel without our speakers! Thank you to Patrick O'Brien, Miry Whitehill, and Stephanie Piche for sharing your expertise, experience and thoughts on analytics, social video, and engagement vs reach debate.If you didn't catch the replay with our hashtag #SMCLA, check out Serena Ehrlich's Storify! Better still, I have the entire #SMCLA conversation .png'd for your viewing pleasure.Don't forget to join us on our SMCLA Facebook Page and give us your feedback on the panel! We want to make each subsequent event better and better. (Or you can email us directly at socialmediaclubla[at]gmail[dot]com!)052312 SMCLA Social TV 


Guest Blog Post: Mobile Marketing – A New Way to Connect with Your Consumers


May 23 Speaker Spotlight: Miry Whitehill, Digital Video Distribution Expert