SMCLA presents: Diversity & Social Media

SMCLA March 2016 Diversity panelContent drives connections and engagement, and in an era of changing trends, changing demographics, and changing technology, content is no longer prescriptive to a one-size-fits-all model. Like technology, we’re seeing the trend in content creation shift towards flexibility and adaptability. Demographics are changing, channels are changing, the way we communicate as a society is changing, and it’s time content catches up to this evolving landscape and caters to multicultural audiences.Join the Social Media Club of LA the evening of March 15th as we get together to discuss diversity, communication, and the changing tides of communication in technology and digital media. Creators, marketers, and thought leaders are encouraged to come, learn, and share.RSVP: the evening with the opportunity to meet and talk with panelists and other SMCLA attendees, board members and colleagues at 6:30 pm - the panel will begin about 7:30 pm. Drinks and snacks will be provided.MODERATOR:Daria Roithmayr is the George T. and Harriet E. Pfleger Professor of Law at the University of Southern California. She has written a book about structural inequality/Racism called Reproducing Racism: How Everyday Choices Lock In White Advantage.PANELISTS:Shane Hegde - REVOLT MEDIA & TVNeil McNeil - Frederator Networks, Inc. / LGBT YouTuberAna Flores - Latina Bloggers ConnectLala Castro - GigaSavvyRSVP: is parking in front of the building and a parking structure next door.ABOUT:We rely on your tickets, donations, and sponsorships to keep our events low cost for everyone to join in. If you are interested in sponsoring an event, or have any other questions, please contact us at Want to learn more about SMCLA? Check out our new website, follow us on Twitter and via our hashtag, #SMCLA, or join the conversation on our Facebook page.


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