Social Media Club Los Angeles

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You Lost the Facebook Algorithm War. Now What?

Reality has set in for many of us... even if you do everything right, there’s no silver bullet to win on Facebook these days. The recent algorithm changes haven’t made it any easier either. From publishers to agencies and brands, no one, large or small, is immune. So what strategies should you be considering?

We’re digging in a layer deeper with our panel of experts on practical ways to diversify content and social media platforms. During our panel, we’ll answer questions we know companies (large and small) are trying to address including:

  • How and why to message the importance of diversification both internally and externally?

  • How to increase collaboration with social and other digital tactics

  • What platforms are poised to re-emerge as traffic driving or monetization choices and for whom?: Flipboard, Pinterest, Twitter, Google AMP, Apple News

  • The importance of cultivating your own database

  • Rethinking the role of paid social media

  • Desktop vs. Mobile traffic and their importance in content consumption

  • Other monetization strategies to fill the gap, such as branded content and Facebook Watch

Potential panelists: publishers, e-commerce sites, agency and/or brands.

Why attend?

We’ll offer you practical tips to start diversifying your strategies tomorrow.

Who should attend?

Anyone looking to reduce impact from recent Facebook changes or hear from a panel of experts doing the same.