Social Media Club Los Angeles

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Why Real Time Social Media is King During Award Show Season - RECAP


On February 17th, Social Media Club LA gathered veterans and experts of the entertainment marketing field at Kramer Productions located near Culver City.

Attendees were treated to drinks from our sponsors, Ice Box Water & Caffeinated Club and pizza on a red carpet shortly before the event began.

Although this event was intended to be a discussion primarily about real-time marketing during awards season, the subject of the night quickly shifted to the intersection of entertainment and social-media.

Moderator Lia Haberman (@liahaberman) of The Wrap did an amazing job of asking probing questions of our panelists, who returned answers that displayed a jaw dropping and staggering sense of knowledge, experience, and ability to keep up with the many social innovations and metrics we all wish we had a hand in.

Instead of the event feeling like attendees were just there to learn, panelists Richard Janes (@RichardJanes), Johanna Blakley (@mojojohanna) and Ann Glenn (@urlgrl) managed to turn it into a roundtable of sorts, generating laughs from the crowd on certain areas while the answers to questions made it hard to capture the emotion and agreement of professionals in the room in 140 characters.

Below are some great insights shared from our panelists and moderator:

"Facebook offers richer engagement but Twitter is built for live engagement. In the end, Facebook is more valuable in social media." - Richard Janes

"I think snapchat is the next big thing when it comes social coverage" - Lia Haberman

"Facebook does not know how to do social media for live events like Twitter & Instagram." - Ann Glenn

"Instagram offers a visual experience for events like the Grammys, so Instagram may become platform to be for future live events." - Johanna Blakley

"Don't talk to fans like to them like a fan." - Ann Glenn

"Brands that do best in the social media realm are those that respect the fans and make human/authentic connections." - Johanna Blakley

"The term 'second screen' is dying by the viewers are making it their priority screen." - Richard Janes

Overall, it was a great night with the general consensus being that it was one of SMCLA's best panels to date. We hope you will join us for our March event -- the eventbrite and official information will be released soon!