Social Media Club Los Angeles

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We're looking for Volunteers to join our Board!

Social Media Club Los Angeles is looking for a few good volunteers to join our Board.  From strategy to tactical implementation, from social TV to social media for regulated industries, SMCLA is committed to educating our members on all aspects of social media.In addition to being a wonderful addition to your resume, being a SMCLA Board member provides our members, hands on social marketing and business skills from understanding and building programs designed to activate a community, to team management to understanding which marketing techniques drive the most engagement, reaction and attendance.Check out the below list of opportunities and let us know today if you would like to join!

  • Programs (1-2 volunteers needed):  Join our strong program committee of three who design each month's compelling topics.  This committee is responsible for determining program topics as well as securing and interacting with our amazing speakers.
  • Communications (2 volunteers needed):  Help us promote our events across all social and PR mediums.  Craft and share messages, take an active role in building out our online community.  If you are looking to build your social media communications resume, this is the perfect committee for you
  • Venue (1 volunteer needed):  Our venue team is always on the look out for locations all over LA to host our events.  Each month, we work with local businesses to find the perfect space to fit the needs of our programs and our members.
  • Sponsorship (1 volunteer needed):  SMCLA strives to provide robust monthly meetings (complete with food and beverages!) at little to no cost for our community.  Our sponsorship team is looking for one more volunteer to help get the word out about our low priced/high value sponsorship opportunities.
  • Membership (2 volunteers needed):  SMCLA is about to kick off a membership drive and are looking for volunteers to help design exciting membership communications and membership related programming.

Are you interested in becoming a social media club chapter leader?  Let us know which of the above roles are of interest to you today! Email us directly at learn more about Social Media Club or to become a member, click here: learn more about our local chapter, click here: