We Hook You Up with Discount Tix for TechZulu Oct. 24 Panel on Future of Gaming

Two nights after SMCLA's Niche Communities panel, our friends at TechZulu are holding REACH, a quarterly event series that dives deep into what comes next in technology. On Thursday, Oct. 24, a panel of tech enthusiast will come together to discuss the latest in Disruptive Technologies Impacting the Future of Gaming.Moderated by Scot Rubin, founder of G4TV, the speakers include:

  • Josh Yguado, president of SGN
  • Chris Hewish, head of Global Interactive at DreamWorks Animation
  • Wilson Kriegel, former CRO of Zynga/OMGPOP
The event starts at 7 p.m. at CrossCampusLA at 820 Broadway in Santa Monica.
Early bird discount tickets are on sale through end of day Oct. 20, so grab your 30% off ticket by RSVPing at Eventbrite: http://reachtzgr.eventbrite.com/?discount=compartner30

SMCLA’s Panel on Niche Communities Makes a Big, Big Impression


New Member Profile: Meet Stephen Harvey