Social Media Club Los Angeles

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Want to Show Off Your Social Media Talents? Volunteer with SMCLA and Share Your Skills at Twitter, Blogging, Engaging and More!

Volunteering with an established professional organization like Social Media Club of Los Angeles is one of the best ways to showcase skills, polish your resume, and have fun at the same time.SMCLA welcomes volunteers who want to extend their experience by engaging with a diverse, exciting and growing audience in Los Angeles, southern California and around the world – folks who are clamoring to chat about everything from best practices in PR, marketing and mobile to the hottest food trucks, the coolest night spots, the Dodgers, #DTLA, and finding a job in the City of Angels.Whether your interests tend to Twitter, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, email marketing, pinning, or penning bylined blog posts, we’ve got the channels for you to express yourself in!We’re willing to teach (after all, our motto is, “If You Get It, Share It”), and just as happy to learn.What Do I Have to Do?Send an email to Vickie or Madeline by Sunday, Aug. 18, letting us know which social media channels you’re interested in and a rough estimate of how much time a month you can volunteer to the Communications Committee (we promise, no one will hold you to this). Also, let us know the best way to reach you (email, phone, etc.).There’s no obligation to become a member, but if you want to learn more, visit this page on the global Social Media Club website. volunteers get to attend SMCLA’s monthly panels for free and learn from leading Los Angeles social media pros. They also have the opportunity to build a portfolio of professional-level work – whether published blog posts or demonstrating their prowess in social channels, like Twitter and Google+.Visit SMCLA:Our blogTwitterFacebookGoogle+ PinterestLinkedIn