Thanksgiving Thanks

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. For me, Thanksgiving kicks off 30+ days of reminding me how fortunate I am. Every day, there is something I can jot down on my list of thanks and appreciation.In honor of Thanksgiving and keeping with a social media theme, I'm thankful for a website I use frequently - GoodReads - it keeps track of what I'm reading, what I want to read, what others are reading and links up with my social media channels. I'm also thankful for my Twitterfeed and Google Reader, which keeps me updated on news and current events. Regarding family, I'm thankful that almost everyone in my family and extended family knows how to use email.Read on as a few of our Board members share what they are thankful for this year.

I'm thankful for my health, sanity and family & friends. - Kat Calbesi [sic] am thankful for my nephews and nieces who remind me of what is important! people! - Natalie PetouhoffThings I am thankful for - besides my family and friends, of course - my iPhone and... apps including Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare and Words With Friends!  - Laura KnappI am thankful for the hive-minded mentality found within the Social Media Club! - Serena Ehrlich

What are you thankful for?


Happy Holidays!


December 15: Tequila, Wine, Gravity Summit and SMCLA!