Sponsored Post: E-Publishing's Disruptive Effect on Transforming Print Media, Inspires Art and Film, “The Rise and Fall of Books”

rise_fall_books_logoMainspring Pictures Ltd, the maker of the documentary film “The Rise and Fall of Books” is proud to sponsor "Publishing 2.0: Social Media's Transformation of Publishing" with sweepstakes giveaways.Authors and longtime readers have changed their reading patterns, and like many scholars in this increasingly digitized age, Buzz Spector, an internationally renowned book artist and four-time National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship Award recipient, spends a lot of time thinking about the fate of print culture. Unlike most of us, however, Spector transforms his thoughts about the future of the book into works of art.In the feature documentary film, “The Rise and Fall of Books,” we follow Spector during one month in the winter of 2007 as he teaches a class of Cornell University art students and shares commentary with New York writer Reagan Upshaw, on using books as art-making material and, more important, to think about the values that reading and collecting books contribute to society.The documentary, conceived by filmmaker Jake Gorst ("Leisurama," "Farmboy," "Modern Tide: Midcentury Architecture on Long Island") is scored by legendary power pop musicians, The dB’s, Peter Holsapple, and Chris Stamey. Our giveways are tied to these projects and musicians in preparation for completing this “The Rise and Fall of Books."Mainspring Pictures Ltd. has posted a GoFundMe campaign to take what's been shot, edited and test-screened, with very positive response, to raise the funds needed to complete post production, including mixing and mastering of the audio track, submission and DVD production at: http://www.gofundme.com/booksfilm.Please lend your support, retweet us and thank Social Media Club-Los Angeles for the opportunity to sponsor their event! We will be raffling off dvd copies of our film, posts, and t-shirts at the May 21 event.Follow Mainspring:Twitter: @MainspringPicFacebookGoFundme: “The Rise and Fall of Books”


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