Social Media Club Los Angeles

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SMCLA Panel - Citizen Journalism: Social Media's Effect on How we Report and Consume News

Mahalo Offices, 902 Colorado Blvd., Santa Monica CA - July 13, 2009 7pm - 9pmMore and more people are turning to social media as the first place they look for breaking news.  Pictures and videos from newsworthy events make it to the web via mobile phones and hand held devices and first hand accounts are micro blogged in 140 characters or less before any traditional news outlet is able to cover the story.  What does this mean for:  a.) the traditional media and b.) the public at-large who may find themselves in a position to report the next big story...

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Big thanks to for opening their doors to host this month's event.

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Thanks also to our ever-faithful media sponsor TechZulu http://techzulu.comTech Zulu Logo