Social Media Club Los Angeles

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SMCLA's June Event - INSTAPETS: Rise of the Animal Celebrity!

SMCLA's June event is dedicated to the rise of a most beautiful and heart-warming internet trend – the animal celeb. (So much better than the Kardashians anyway...)SMCLA_Instapets_Flier_600x600_GeordiLaCorgiAnd we aren’t the only ones to take notice of the increasing popularity of “Petstagrams” and online animal personas over the last few years. From Boo the Dog to Grumpy Cat to Tuna the Chiweenie, what started off as a weekend fad has hit the mainstream — read: your newsfeed. So let’s celebrate the fuzzy babies (and their humans, of course) who helped turn this movement into a viral, profitable, and slobbery sensation.Join us for a "Yappy Hour" on Tuesday, June 23rd followed by a panel with social pet experts to discuss the perks and profits of owning a famous animal, as well as the boundary between animal stardom and animal cruelty.

You don’t want to miss this event, so save a seat and sign up right meow! Register here.Please note: While our panelists may bring their furry pals for the event, at this time we have to cap animal attendance there. Thank you for understanding.


We rely on your tickets, donations, and sponsorships to keep our events low-cost for everyone to join in. If you are interested in sponsoring an event, or have any other questions, please contact us. Follow SMCLA on Twitter and via our hashtag, #SMCLA, or join the conversation on the SMCLA Facebook page.Have questions about INSTAPETS: The rise of the animal celebrity!? Contact SMCLA