Social Media Club Los Angeles

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SMCLA 2015 Nominations Now Open

votesmNominations are now open for the 2015 Social Media Los Angeles Board of Directors!As we get ready to wind down an amazing and eventful year, we also look forward to a new group of people that will steer the ship known as SMCLA for the next 365 days. It’s time to nominate chapter members to serve on the board beginning Jan 1, 2015 and ending Dec. 31st, 2015. To apply, read and fill out the nomination form, by 6pm on November 14th. Please note the form also contains the breakdown of each board positions and what each role entails.Any social media community member in good standing may apply. While we prefer that the candidate is current in registration and dues with Social Media Club (, it’s not required in order to become a 2015 board nominee, as long as that person joins after their election. We are looking forward to finding and working with board members who bring enthusiasm, teamwork, and a fresh perspective to serving the Los Angeles chapter.There are plenty of great things that can come from being part of this board and community. Here are some responses for our current board:Stephen Harvey, Programs"I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know top level digital media professionals in the Los Angeles area. Having recently moved to LA, joining the SMCLA Board was a fabulous way to meet like-minded people and get a good view of the professional landscape. Through the relationships that I have cultivated, I have been able to secure additional work and grow as a digital marketer. I highly recommend any digital pro to interact and become an active part of SMCLA."Nick Labran, Venues“Being on the Board has exposed me to some wonderful professional people. The organization delivers great information to the business community and I love being a part of that!”Lindsay Tredent, Chapter Secretary“I have really enjoyed being on the board of Social Media Club Los Angeles for 2014. The monthly programming and speakers are top notch and I’ve enjoyed volunteering with some great business professionals. As a self-employed business owner, it’s been great to get more involved in the community and have the opportunity to impact and educate more people around social media and best practices.”Any questions can be directed to the chapter president, Madeline Wright, at We look forward to your participation in making the SMCLA chapter stronger and more vibrant by serving our membership!Important dates:Nov. 1st: Nomination period beginsNov. 14th: Nomination period endsNov. 21st: Voting period beginsNov. 30th: Voting period endsFirst week of Dec.: New board announcedDec. 31st: 2014 board term endsJan. 1, 2015: New board term begins