SMCLA is Giving Away a #Sprint4G Phone - TweetContest

SMCLA is giving away a #Sprint4G Phone at our Ho Ho Holiday Parteee! Yes, you heard correctly...a freaking PHONE!Not just any PHONE...a Samsung EPIC.Here's all you need to do:1. Send your best tweet to answer the question:  "What does #Sprint4G mean to you?"2. The tweet must contain the hashtag #Sprint4G and #SMCLA (so we know you're with us)3. Tweet as often as you like (the more the better!)4.  Register for, and be in attendance at our Ho Ho Holiday Parteee! Dec 7th 7pm - 11pm at Q's Billiards in Santa MonicaTo get your creative juices are some samples of potential winning tweets:With #Sprint4G, I could blow the roof of this mutha! #smcla#Sprint4G is so fast, when I got it time actually stopped #smclaIf #Sprint4G raced a cheetah, the cheetah would look like a tortoise #smclaFinally, with #Sprint4G, I can stream my wife's birth from the delivery room  FTW!!! #smcla So...what are you waiting for?  Register for the party and start tweeting already!Just think, if you win the Samsung EPIC, you can bail on that other network and actually get stuff DONE.


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Ho Ho Holiday Parteee! (thanks to #Sprint4g)