Say Hello to Our Little (Big) Friend, Cross Campus - September Venue Sponsor

We can’t be more thrilled and grateful to be partnering with Cross Campus again. We got a tease of their lovely space, still in development, in July for our VIP screening of Twittamentary. We’re ready to see the final product at our September event, Turbo-Charging Social Media Engagement for Retail in Time for the Holidays!What is Cross Campus?Cross Campus is an engine of creativity and innovation, housed at a state of the art 11,000 square foot space at 820 Broadway in the heart of Santa Monica. Their goal is to inspire creative collisions through space design, learning platforms, and extraordinary events, fostering member-driven collaboration that ultimately leads to game changing ideas and enterprises. Cross Campus provides a workspace that is designed to inspire and built to support the needs of entrepreneurs who aim high. Their classes & events give you the opportunity to participate in a dynamic learning experience that goes far beyond the norm.It’s Cross Campus’ launch month, and they are launching with a BANG! They’re hosting many events throughout their Grand Opening month, including:

To learn more about Cross Campus and their awesome September Launch Month Events, visit them on Facebook, Twitter or To learn even more, please join us on September 24th as we talk about Social Media in Retail, and how to create a stellar plan for this holiday season.


Tickets on Sale: Monday Sept 24 - Turbo-Charge Your Social Media for Retail!


Save the Date: September 24, 2012 - Social Media in Retail