Social Media Club Los Angeles

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Savvy Social Media Folks, Meet - A Sponsored Post

Two posts in one day? Yes! We are quite excited to have the good folks at join our July 26th geolocation panel event at Glow Bar at the Marina del Rey Marriott! Don't know who YP is? Let me let them introduce themselves! * Greetings Social Media Club Los Angeles!, Glendale-based AT&T Interactive’s flagship property, will be sponsoring the upcoming SMC LA panel on July 26th on the topic of Understanding the Power of Geolocation Tools. We’re excited to come together with our fellow Angelenos and talk about the opportunity around “local.” We’ve built our business around the goal of connecting consumers with local businesses – so the topic of local and geo-location hits close to home…literally.Along with ongoing innovation around our flagship web property and YPmobile apps, we’ve been quite busy here in our Glendale HQs (as well as in our other offices up in SF and Sunnyvale). Deal of the Day

We just launched our new Deal of the Day offers in three initial cities including our hometown, Los Angeles. If your deal-loving curiosity is piqued, visit to register and receive a $5 credit that can be applied towards your first purchased  deal and the chance to earn another $5 if you share with one of your friends and they purchase one of the deals within 72 hours. Today’s deal is 86% off dental cleaning exam and teeth whitening at Cosmetic Dental of Westwood, and you can check it out here may have also recently heard about our collaboration with Foursquare to provide their millions of app users with our Deal of the Day offers. This agreement supports AT&T Interactive’s approach of distributing local merchant content through a network of leading web and mobile publishers – as part of the YP Local Ad Network. We look forward to talking more about the opportunity to bring together deals, location and mobile together at the event next week.On top of amazing deals, we’ll be giving away an ATRIX™ 4G with MOTOBLUR™ by MOTOROLA on-site at the event on July 26th, so be sure to keep an eye open for details and your chance to win!  And of course, you can also keep track of us on Facebook and Twitter.         * This month’s Social Media Club Los Angeles event is sponsored by YP helps you find what you’re really looking for, and they recently Deal of the Day in Los Angeles. Sign up here: In the meantime, you can connect with YP on Facebook at and on Twitter at If you would like to contribute a guest post, please contact us at or tweet us at @SMC_LA!