Save the Date: March 20 - SMCLA March Mixer

Welcome to March Madness! No, we're not talking college hoops. We're talking about the madness of coming back from SXSW. We know you'll be zonked from all that partying learning. What better way to "wind down" than to drop by, grab a drink and share your experiences with us at our March Mixer!Save the date - Tuesday, March 20th. Venue TBA. Our Plancast page is up and our Eventbrite page will be up soon!Learn more about SMCLA and the upcoming programs we're scheduling this year. Do you have suggestions on guest speakers or panel ideas? Let us know! Want to know more about SMC? We'll be there. Bring your boss, bring your interns, bring yourself!We'll see you soon.




Join Us for Business Cards & Cocktails on March 20 at PS612!


Book Review: "The Social Media Strategist" Offers a Deft Guide to Corporate Social Media Success - Guest Post by Vickie Bates