Social Media Club Los Angeles

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Save the Date: 2/21 SMCLA Event on Social CRM

Congratulations to the people of the Superbowl! Now that that's over, mark your calendars for a panel: Loving Your Customer: The Art & Science of Social CRM on Tuesday, Feb 21. at McCabe's Bar & Grill [updated!] ING DIRECT CAFE LA from 6 - 10pm.Our very own Dr. Natalie Petouhoff will be moderating our panel that will show how social media has transformed CRM, Marketing, Sales and Service, as well as what is needed from leadership at the CEO level.What is social CRM (SCRM)? How is social media affecting customer service and call centers? Are you managing a brand's social media program with a dotted line to the customer service department as well as the marketing department? Do you use a CRM system like RightNow or Salesforce and also append your social conversations to customer profiles?You may not call it #SCRM yet but what you are doing - solving customer issues on social channels and appending that information to customer accounts - is Social CRM.Some reading assignments for you:

Share your favorite articles on social CRM with us and we'll share them with our network! We'll see you on February 21!