Pinterest is All About Powerful Images: Learn How to Use the Platform.

September is a beautiful month and what platform does beauty like Pinterest? Come learn about the highly visual social media platform and join SMCLA at the newest General Assembly in Santa Monica. (tip: this isn't the usual spot we meet)Facebook keeps us connected with friends. Twitter gives us real time news. But Pinterest has the potential to turn our digital dreams into reality. From Place Pins to Promoted Pins, Pinterest has become so much more than just a virtual corkboard. It’s a place to bookmark your favorite outfits, plan your wedding, map out future trips, and even do your shopping. So why are some brands nailing it while others aren’t? What makes this platform such a strong but often missed opportunity for brands? We’ll explore the ins-and-outs of the tool with experts - from marketers focused on actively selling their client’s products to content creators creating their personal brand.PANELISTS

  • Anne Hogan, Digital Manager/Digital Platform Council Pinterest Lead at GOLIN
  • Meredith Rodriguez, Los Angeles Partner Manager at Pinterest
  • More coming soon!

HINT: PLEASE NOTE THIS IS THE SECONDARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY LOCATION IN SANTA MONICA!  ABOUT SMCLAWe rely on your tickets, donations, and sponsorships to keep our events costs at a minimum. If you are interested in sponsoring an event, or have any other questions, please contact us at Want to learn more about SMCLA? Check out our new website, follow us on Twitter and via our hashtag, #SMCLA, or join the conversation on our Facebook page.


SMCLA's October Event: State of the Art


August Event: Happy Hour "Battle of the Bands!" Style