Oct 23 Speaker Spotlight: Hayden Black - Teensy Tweets

hayden blackSo this guy walks into the city of Burbank and....Hayden Black is the award-winning co-star/writer/producer behind Goodnight Burbank  (http://www.goodnightburbank.com), the first-ever scripted half-hour comedy made for the web and then picked up for TV by Mark Cuban. (Yeah - that Mark Cuban.) Hayden's work - also including Abigail's Teen Diary and The Occulterers - has been nominated for Webbys, been viewed in the multi-millions, been featured & taught in New Media courses in Universities, and the press has dubbed him a "web sensation" (LA Times), "ridiculously funny" (Time Out) and "one of Internet comedy's brightest stars" (The Guardian). Hayden's a regular on BBC America's Brit List TV series; he can be found Twittering at http://www.twitter.com/haydenblack, and his new animated series Teensy Tweets can be found at http://www.teensytweets.com.Chris here - we picked up Hayden's bio and as I'm reading it, I realize, he's a Doctor Who fan. /mic dropI kid, I kid. I'm looking forward to meeting Hayden in person and asking some questions like:

  • Matt Smith or David Tennant?
  • When do you find the time to write (for your job) and write (for yourself) for social media?
  • Are there tips you can dispense to our members and attendees about writing with punch (no pun intended)? Especially to our community managers who not only engage their communities/audiences but are probably tasked to get those content calendars ready for approval to their senior management?
  • Is there a certain rhythm that you're using to write?

I'll see you all next Tuesday, October 23rd at Cross Campus LA in Santa Monica! Have you RSVP'd yet? Do it now and save yourself $5: http://artofwritingsocialmedia.eventbrite.com


October 23rd Speaker Highlight: SMCLA welcomes Caprice Crane!


Save the Date: October 23 - Writers Assemble! The Art of Writing for Social Media