Social Media Club Los Angeles

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Need a Career Boost? Attend our Job Connect Happy Hour

At long last, you've gotten used to the Daylight Saving Time change. Now let's use that momentum to spring forward in your career. You're already a LinkedIn maven. You peruse Mashable and twice a day. You get more pleasure from reading Ask A Manager than the Dear Abby archives. In addition to following all your favorite industry experts on Twitter, and having, and set as your default homepage browser tabs you wonder, what now? Here's a hot tip for landing your next career opportunity.Connect with other successful professionals in the of X Bar seating area courtesy of xbarla.comYou can do this in just 3 steps.

  1. Introduce yourself to another industry professional, face-to-face.
  2. Stay in touch.
  3. Repeat previous steps.

There's nothing quite like making a new professional connection, whether it's at a conference, a job fair, or a specialized user group's monthly meet-up. Making a little effort to stay in contact with consistent communication will help that relationship blossom into one of many professional lifelines that will benefit you this week, next year, and beyond.Take the leap and come meet connectors who are passionate about Social Media and who happen to love linking people professionally. We can't wait to see you this Wednesday, April 6, at X Bar located at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, from 7PM-9PM. If you haven't already, RVSP for the Job Connect Happy Hour now!