Meet the Panelists - Citizen Journalism

Tonight's panel on citizen journalism brings together a great group of sharp new media experts from LA Weekly, LA Times,, Topix and REALPolitech. We're really looking forward to hearing what these guys have to say about citizen journalism and the affect social media has had on how we report and consume news.Where: Mahalo Office, 902 Colorado Ave Santa Monica CA 90401 -or- LIVE on TechZulu.comWhen: 7-9pm Monday July 13, 2009

Alexia Tsotsis
Alexia Tsotsis is the tech/business lifestyle reporter for the LAWeekly. She blogs hard and she's interested in the relationship between new media and culture in the 21st century. (@alexiatsotsis)David Sarno
David Sarno is a Los Angeles Times Internet business reporter and self-proclaimed taco expert. (@dsarno)Christina Gagnier
Christina Gagnier is a strategist, Information Broker, Partner @ Gagnier Margossian, CEO @ REALPOLITECH, Macbook Addict, Education Junkie, Legal Eagle, and BLAWND. (@gagnier)Andy Sternberg
Andy Sternberg is the Interactive Director for Live Earth as well as the News Editor at He likes music, media, technology, people, green, travel. He is a USC Annenberg grad, a Hawkeye, and a Cubs fan. (@andysternberg)Chris Tolles
Chris Tolles is the CEO of Topix, a community news site. Chris was a co-founder of NewHoo and led early marketing efforts which culminated in the sale of NewHoo to Netscape, and its subsequent relaunch as the Open Directory Project. While director of marketing at Netscape for the ODP, Chris promoted the directory and successfully executed on the marketing and product plans resulting in the ODP fulfilling its goal of becoming the largest and best human edited directory of the web. Previous to NewHoo, Chris was the head of marketing for Network Security Products at Sun Microsystems. (@tolles)


Citizen Journalism is Newsworthy


Panelists for July 13th SMCLA Panel Announced