Managing a Social Crisis in Real Time

Every day this month, we’re seeing new examples of how brands are and aren’t managing their social media presence in light of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Throughout our profession, everyone from executives to front-line communicators are dealing with an ever-moving target.Our panelists are engaging in everything from front-line management to strategic planning. While we can’t disclose the brands they represent, what we can tell you is that they’re actively managing this current social media crisis on a day to day basis.What lessons can be learned from COVID-19? When did they first realize this would impact their brand and what were the first steps? What role, if any, do social media professionals have in crisis information sharing?Hear from our panelists on their first-hand experiences from COVID-19 and other social media crisis experiences how they’re managing this crisis and how it compares to others - and what, as professionals, can we can learn from this experience?From your CEO going on a Twitter rant to a coronavirus pandemic, you’re never truly prepared for a crisis. But, with the proper planning in place and the ability to move nimbly, social media can vastly improve a situation… or at least mitigate damage.

Our Moderator

Tara is a public relations, branding, and marketing professional for Poodle Mafia, her company based in Los Angeles where she is the chief strategist and primary point of contact for clients. Her clients include a global list from startups to publically traded companies, including tourism, health & wellness, lifestyle brands as well as regulated industries, government organizations, political campaigns and nonprofits.

Tara also frequently speaks about public relations and social media best practices and trends to live audiences ranging from 50-500.

Jeremy Pepper

Called “ahead of his time” and “visionary”, Jeremy Pepper has close to 20 years experience in public relations, in both traditional and social media, as well as analyst relations.

Victoria Mendoza

Victoria is an award-winning digital professional with almost 15 years’ experience in marketing and communications. Currently leading social media efforts at the University of Southern California, she has previously managed digital marketing and social media at Frederator Networks, 20th Century Fox, the USO and Sallie Mae.

Joey Zender

Professionally, Joey has typically worked in either sales or marketing, usually as a copywriter. With his wife, Johanna, he creates content — mostly copy and photography for social and web — selling these and other marketing services through his self-named LLC.


Managing a Social Media Crisis in Real Time – Watch the Webinar


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