Jenkins Jellies: Are you Addicted?!
One of the "hottest" gifts in this year's SMCLA swag bag from Meet the Bloggers was Jenkins Jellies! Homegrown right here in Los Angeles, this spicy jam is a must on your holiday menu!Encouraged by family and friends, Hillary Danner teamed up with longtime friend Maria Newman and Chef Jared Levy to launch their artisanal line of gourmet goodies. What started as a hobby in Hillary's secret urban garden is now spreading like hell fire!Hillary is very involved in her community dedicating her energy towards green initiatives, and donates a percentage of her profits to her beloved Uncle's foundation - The Bruce Paltrow Oral Cancer Fund. SMCLA would like to thank the Jenkins Jellies team for getting us all fired up at Meet the Bloggers!
For more information on the jelly that Dean & Deluca has placed in their "Best of U.S." gift baskets, you can follow them on Twitter, like them on Facebook, and visit their homepage. Note: this jam is a great glaze for your roast for Christmas dinner!