Introducing the 2018 Social Media Club LA Board of Directors!

I am excited to announce the new 2018 Social Media Club LA (SMCLA) Board of Directors! SMCLA is a local chapter of a global non-profit that’s dedicated to producing monthly networking events and panels to promote digital literacy and discuss trends in this ever-changing landscape of social media.Last year was a big year for our Los Angeles chapter. Our membership base grew by 3x in 2017, making SMCLA the largest Social Media Club chapter in the United States! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. SMCLA members enjoy attending our events for free along with many other perks. If you are interested in becoming a member, you can learn more about Membership here.This year we have a wonderful group of Board of Directors, and I couldn’t be more excited. Our Board is 100% volunteer-based and comprised of social media, PR, communications, and marketing professionals who have a passion for sharing knowledge, networking, and producing great events.2018 Social Media Club Los Angeles Board of Directors

President - Lindsay Mauch

Director of Operations - Nick LaBran

Director of Finance - Nancy Tovar Huxen

Programs Director - Tara Coomans

Programs Associate Directors-Luis Mendoza

Allison Fox

Megan Neal

Matthew Gielen

Communications Director - Mike Prasad

Communications Associate Directors -

Jeremy Pepper

Victoria Mendoza

Liz H. Kelly

Ryan Smith

Karen Woodward

Shaun Ayala

Creative Director - Christine Moore

Creative Associate Directors -Michele Weisbart

Raymond Galan

Membership Director - Jen Holub

Membership Associate Directors-Jon Burk

Vanessa Diaz

Kayla Perlstein

Sponsorship Director - Adam Bell

Sponsorship Associate Director-Raymond Kim

We have big plans for 2018, and our goal is to provide valuable events to our Los Angeles social media community that leave you with actionable takeaways and insights. Here are some key dates to be on the lookout for in this first quarter:February 26th - “Thriving in Facebook’s Friends and Family World”March 19th - To Be Announced. Save the date!Special thanks to General Assembly for continuing to be such a great venue partner for us and all of our sponsors who provide wonderful food and beverages at each of our events. Our events are not possible with the help of the Board of Directors, partners, and sponsors and we are so grateful.I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event!


Thriving in Facebook’s “Friends & Family” World


Thriving in Facebook's "Friends & Family" World