Get Excited! BlogH.O.T. 2013 Is Coming to Los Angeles!

BlogH.O.T. March 25-27 at the Omni Hotel

I’m pretty sure I’m not alone when I say that one of the biggest disappointments I have in many conferences today is that the exciting title and amazing speaker line-up rarely make up for the lack of real tactical and strategic advice, nor the discussions necessary for real-world implementation.That’s why I’m looking forward to attending BlogH.O.T. – yes, they have the typical big name speakers, but this is different: this is targeted to corporate and business bloggers, an intensive training session covering a wide range of relevant topics presented in an interactive setting to encourage interaction.If you want to attend an event that’s focused on providing hands-on learning with interactive and breakout sessions where you’ll get exact answers to your specific blogging questions and challenges, then BlogH.O.T. is for you. This event answers your blogging questions, right there, in real-time.  For example, if you have a question about how your brand can get started blogging, chief bloggers from brands such as Dell and Kodak will be on hand to walk you through the process. Want to know how to measure the business impact of comments and engagement on your blog? Gini Dietrich will show you how she analyzes the worth of the comments she receives at Spin Sucks, and how you can do the same thing for your blog.At Social Media Club LA, our goal and mission is to help social media newbies and veterans work through the ins and outs of corporate social media - from the small, local business to global organizations. BlogH.O.T. is the type of event that’s focused on providing a hands-on learning experience with interactive and breakout sessions with exact answers to specific blogging questions and challenges.Right now, BlogH.O.T. has a special Early Bird rate of $895 for the two-day event, available through Friday, Feb. 15.  But Social Media Club members will receive two very special extra benefits. If you register today at this link -  and use coupon code SMC100, you will not only get an additional $100 off BlogH.O.T. registration, you’ll receive a free one-year Social Media Club Membership!  So, a great event for $795 and an SMC membership ($100 value) for one year. Plus, free SMCLA events throughout the year. The only catch is that you must register at the above link by Feb. 15!Click here to learn more: hope to see you at BlogH.O.T. in March!


Job Op: Digital Publicist - Fullscreen Inc.


Event Recap: SMCLA Networking Happy Hour – Jan. 29, 2013