Feb. 21 Sponsor Spotlight: SAP

The wonderful team at SAP are sponsoring our Tuesday, February 21 event on Social CRM. Please welcome them into the SMCLA family!

As market leader in enterprise application software, SAP  helps companies of all sizes and industries run better. Today, SAP is on an innovation hyperdrive.  With a user-centric lens on Big Data, Mobility, Cloud, and Social, SAP is helping people like you to have relevant and smarter 360-degree customer conversations like never before – without requiring you to dig up your ERP and CRM foundations.  In addition to solutions for the B2B sector, SAP CRM extends its reach to companies representing B2C consumers - delivering the entire customer experience unified across multiple channels.  Stop by and experience the new SAP. http://www.sap.com“It’s incredibly exciting to be a part of Social Media Club LA,” says Vinay Iyer, VP of Global Marketing for SAP CRM, “not only can our offerings inspire the social CMO, but we are exemplars of social inbound and outbound marketing – we grew our own social channels two-fold last year and we’re leveraging best practices through our participation in Social Media Club.For further information on SAP CRM, visit them at http://www.sap.com/crm and follow them on Twitter @sapcrm


Feb. 21 Speaker Spotlight: Jon Ferrara


Feb. 21 Speaker Spotlight: Charles Miller