Feb. 21 Speaker Spotlight: Gary May

Have you met Gary May? He's one of our guest speakers at next Tuesday's panel on Social CRM! Gary is the President of imacsweb, an interactive marketing and consulting service. His blog is pretty interesting as he is an expert in the automotive industry. Consider keeping an eye on his thoughts in the auto industry, social media and online marketing.  Better still, stop by at the ING DIRECT Cafe LA next Tuesday, February 21 when we grill Gary and the rest of our speakers on social CRMIM@CS continually evolves to build, educate on and support platforms in critical sales, branding, process, media and best practice application for forward-thinking companies and those trying to grasp the online space. We work with retail, manufacturers, portals and service providers that have a large consumer-facing business, primarily in the automotive industry as well as luxury and specialty markets and other high-end services. IM@CS also specializes in working with companies investigating opportunities within the automotive market to make sense of a diverse and dynamic environment, providing insight, direction and solid fundamentals to achieve success.Overall IM@CS provides greater opportunities through brand awareness, reputation management, process improvement and sales organization coaching for companies looking to create sustainable improvements and add to their bottom line.What IM@CS does is more relevant than training, enterprise processes, networking or guidance. We offer solutions based on your real world needs, not what others do nor what worked last year.Gary also co-founded and head efforts for a social media marketing and promotion company focused on multi-vertical success called PromoSPARK. We allow businesses to get the SPARK for their social networks! www.promospark.net


Loving Your Customers: Social CRM is Making It Actually Happen! - Guest post by Dr. Natalie Petouhoff


Feb. 21 Speaker Spotlight: Jon Ferrara