Feb. 21 Speaker Spotlight: Dr. Natalie Petouhoff

Learn more about our President and speaker for next week's Social CRM event, Dr. Natalie Petouhoff. Haven't RSVP'd yet? Here's your chance - see ya at ING DIRECT Cafe LA next Tuesday! Dr. Natalie, a former social media Forrester Analyst, heads up the Social MediaExecutive Education Division at UCLA and is President of the Social Media Club Los Angeles. Her experiences as an Ad Agency executive and management consultant provides unique business insights that she shares as an accomplished keynote speaker, quoted expert and featured guest expert on TV and radio. Dr. Natalie helps companies understand how social media affects the bottom-line and to create executable strategies that provide real business value. She does this by benchmarking the “As Is” state of social media initiatives and compares them to “Could Be” via best practices. With this insight, businesses can create a world-class social media and digital presences and monetize their investments. Dr. Natalie wrote the world’s first social media ROI calculator.What are you going to ask Dr. Natalie? I am interested in her thoughts regarding bad social CRM. I bet there are some compelling case studies on companies whose CRM programs have not integrated with their social media team's customer service 'program.' Of the companies she's worked with, I'd like to know if she thought there was one superstar that married social media and CRM well.If you're interested to hear her answer, drop by the ING DIRECT Cafe LA on Tuesday, February 21! I'll be there and so will several other sCRM pros. (Make them work for their dinner!)


Feb. 21 Speaker Spotlight: Charles Miller


Change of Venue: 2/21 Social CRM event now at ING DIRECT LA CAFE