Social Media Club Los Angeles

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Executive Power Breakfast with NICE Systems - 9/21 Newport Beach

Impact Every Customer Interaction In All ChannelsAs social media continues to grow in the corporate space , how can we truly evolve our social media strategies from mere corporate messaging to interactions?   I dare say its most important  to look back in time at the phone, email and web interactions that have driven customer interactions from our past. Not to mimic then. Not to replace them. But rather, to make the social experience with our customers a new and fresh outlet (and inlet) for providing the best experience possible.  Then, along with the traditional channels mentioned above, avoid the three main issues that plague our customer experience attempts so far.
 First, often our social media interactions don't provide a contextual link to the other channels. Did you know I called your call center first? Did you know I posted something next? Can you predict what channel I will use to get my issue resolved? These are all important questions to ask to insure customers aren't repeating themselves as well as being forced to change channels (i.e. Thks for ur tweet, please call us @ our service center to resolve ur issue. Super)Second, how can we make our short amount of text count? Be personal! Empower your employees with all of the same access to customer data hidden in CRM systems and back-room databases. Make your offers sticky. Make the reasons to respond relevant. Make the reasons to stay with your organization apparent. Generic tweets and auto-replies are not getting it done; just look around.
 For number three, being holistic in all channels, I ask you to join me in Newport Beach for a free executive breakfast to learn more.  So join me, along with Brian Vellmure, on September 21st as we will be speaking in a short 2 hour format that will surely be the best breakfast you'll enjoy all week. No product demos. No corporate decks. No sales pitch. It will be a great way to network and find out how you can make an impact in every customer interaction. Register at
  Matthew Storm@stormhaus