Event recap: SMCLA Online Dating Panel – Feb. 26, 2013

February's fabulous panelists (l - r): Jennifer Kelton, Julie Spira, Scott Lewallen and moderator Debra Eckerling.What happens when you place a slew of dating experts in the same room with LA’s finest social media crowd?You get a fun night of shared lessons learned, plenty of laughter, and a host of useful advice for business and pleasure. Such was the case on Tuesday, Feb. 26, in Santa Monica at SMCLA’s first panel of 2013.The evening began with a bunch of giveaways:The iPhone case went to two-time winner Gina Stewart.A Perils of Cyber-Dating swag bag generously donated by speaker Julie Spira was won by Ariel Rainey.Some of the lucky winners at our Feb. "Social Media & Dating Online" event.And the book Data, A Love Story by Amy Webb went to Manshu Agarwal, Warner Boutin, D. Scott Eads, Debra Eckerling, Ross Felix, Max Kramer, Jessica Marquez, Cristina Morara, Scott Santos, Sanjit Singh, John Skorick, and Gina Stewart.Winning! You bet SMCLA attendees are winners - these are some of the lucky winners of "Data, A Love Story."Catch the highlights of the event on Storify (via @Serena).Gourmandise made sure we had plenty of freshly baked, out-of-this-world chocolate chip cookies.Thanks to all who attended the event and to our generous sponsors General Assembly (@GA_LA) for hosting, The Gourmandise School of Sweets and Savories and Calvin Lee (@mayhemstudios) for the delicious cookies and pretzel crisps.Tremendous thanks to the social networking innovators on our panel for generously sharing their expertise: Julie Spira (@JulieSpira), Scott Lewallen (@ScottLewallen), and Jennifer Kelton (@BadOnlineDates), and to our terrific moderator Debra Eckerling (@WriteOnOnline)!Have any great photos from the night? Share them on our SMCLA group on Facebook!Connect with us on all your favorite social networks and mark your calendar now for our next event on Tuesday, March 19, at Cross Campus in Santa Monica. We’ll dive into B2B and social media with a panel of experts ready to help you up your brand-building game with lead generation, joint ventures and lots more!


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