Don’t Miss the Latina Lifestyle Bloggers Collective’s 3rd Annual National LifeStyle Blogger Conference in April

SMCLA_I'm a LLBloggerJoin the 3rd Annual National Lifestyle Blogger Conference & Junket (#LALLBLOG13), the first national conference of its kind, April 25 – 27, in downtown L.A.Enjoy a full weekend of inspirational speakers, trend-setting lifestyle workshops, and business networking with lifestyle bloggers passionate about fashion, beauty, travel, cooking, entertainment, and more. Anyone interested in growing their blogging business should be a part of #LALLBLOG13.The conference begins Thursday, April 25, at 7 p.m. and runs through Saturday, April 27, at 5 p.m. at the trendy Cooper Design Space in downtown Los Angeles.Highlights this year include:

  • “From Blogger to Brand” – a series of lifestyle focused workshops to help you grow personally and professionally
  • Outside activities with lifestyle brands
  • Tour of L.A.-based locations
  • Personal and business development opportunities will be a discussed amongst our working-blogger member base
  • On-site brand and product showcase for brand engagement

For the complete conference and junket agenda, click here.NOTE: A limited number of conference tickets will be sold by presale only and are not available at the door. Buy your ticket here.Follow on Twitter: @LatinaLifeStyle and use the hashtags: #llblog  #llblog13Cooper Design Space Jerell Scott Fashion Runway.To learn more about the Latina Lifestyle Bloggers Collective or to join the curated community, visit Contact to learn more about event sponsorship opportunities.LALLBLOG13 is a collaboration with Southern California Lady Bloggers and Blog Trends.Thanks to Lisa Rocha, LLBlog member & CEO/ilaments, for reporting and additional writing for this post.


Event Recap: SMCLA B2B Social Media Marketing on March 19


B2B Social Media Marketing on March 19