Social Media Club Los Angeles

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Blankspaces Offers a Month of FREE Co-working for SMCLA Bloggers

Hey, guess what? Blankspaces offered any SMCLA bloggers participating in the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge a MONTH OF FREE WORKSPACE!!!!    If this isn't motivation enough to take the challenge and to get on over there to work face to face, I don't know what is.  Hey, I'm still stuck on Day  1 (I read the lessons and then procrastinate the tasks...d'oh!).All you have to do is show up at Blankspaces, mention #SMCLA and the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge and my man Jerome will hook you up!Blankspaces Los Angeles: Where Coworking HappensBlankspaces is here: a friend and be prepared to show up at Blankspaces to rawk your blog with the rest of us! Spread the word!31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge is here: to come the meantime, sign up for the challenge and make it official by joining our Facebook discussion at the SMCLA Facebook group here: