Social Media Club Los Angeles

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2017 Year in Review

What is the Value of Social MediaHere we are on the final business day of the year for 2017. This past year has been an exciting one for SMCLA. Our continued partnership with General Assembly has been great and they have provided us with a great venue for our monthly panels and workshops. We are so grateful to have such a tremendous venue partner who is dedicated to digital literacy and education.Board of Directors Lindsay Tredent Mauch, Christine Moore, Adan Bell, Nick LaBran and Jen HolubThe social media landscape is always changing and our Board of Directors is always seeking new partnership, sponsorship, and programming opportunities to provide value and educational opportunities for our members. Here are some of my favorites:-Joining forces with American Marketing Association (AMA) for our Summer Happy Hour giving our members the opportunity to network and mingle with those from another like-minded organization.Facebook Analytics with Blitzmetrics-Our August panel on Creating A Winning Strategy with Facebook Ads and an all-day workshop on Scaling Your Agency with Dennis Yu of BlitzMetrics.-The October Fireside Chat on The Value of Social Media with Matt Hertig of Alight Analytics.We also partnered with several conferences including Summit Live, Digital Summit LA, and the Ragan Social Media Conference at Disneyland.Many of our events this year were standing room only and our recent Instagram Stories panel in November was a huge hit.Game On Sports and Social MediaOur membership grew by 3x this year and our Facebook group continues to grow with over 7,000 members.I’d like to thank everyone who attended an event this year or spoke on one of our panels. I would especially like to thank all of our 2017 Sponsors:

Social Media Club LA is a non-profit and our Board of Directors is 100% volunteer based. We could do it without the support of our sponsors!If there is anything you would like to see us cover in 2018, I would love to hear from you. Your feedback is invaluable. I look forward to seeing you at a future event.Happy New Year! Onward to 2018.Lindsay Mauch Chapter President, SMCLa